IECP Diagram
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Click on the image below to enlarge it.
During 2007, following intensive internal strategic planning, Lesedi clearly articulated its core concern through introducing its “Integrated ECD Care Package” (IECP).
To provide an Integrated Early Childhood Care Package through a sustainable, comprehensive, community owned-and-managed intervention.
Lesedi’s IECP focuses on: The quality of ECD provision for young children through community ECD Centres (ECD Practitioner Training Programme component)…
Lesedi’s Playgroup Co-ordinator, Anastasia Sejane, continues with her regular national radio “slots” each Tuesday evening at 22H10 on SABC’s Lesedi FM, where she is interviewed on a wide variety of ECD topics as well as on issues affecting the well-being, care and protection of young children. Following her weekly interviews, Anastasia thoroughly enjoys interacting with […]
This is a national on-line, interactive, 8-week pilot challenge / competition run by Innovation Edge, with substantial prizes…
Lesedi’s Mobile ECD Unit was rebranded using the “little people” from our Logo.
Lesedi received a grant from Van Hoorne Entertainment, Netherlands, through Kinderfonds, with which we are purchasing exciting…
Lesedi Playgroup Co-ordinator and 2 Playgroup Facilitators attended this exciting, fun-filled, inspiring, interactive 4 day ECD-related workshop…
During 2017 Lesedi has distributed 100 Parent / Care-giver kits containing a number of good quality multi-purpose toys…