Lesedi has a Board of 6 Directors who meet regularly, who have a mix of expertise and experience, and who have a thorough understanding of our programmes and services.

Lesedi Educare Association NPC is registered as follows:
• Non-Profit Organisation (004-435NPO)
• Public Benefit Organisation (930005573)
• Section 21 / Non-Profit Company (2005/009933/08)
• Accredited as a training provider through the ETDP-SETA & QCTO (ETDP10024)

Lesedi Educare is a member of the South African Congress for Early Childhood Development, the National ECD Alliance, NECTA (Network of Early Childhood Training Agencies: Eastern Cape), the Ntataise Network.

During 2009 Lesedi’s Community Development and Family Support Programme was reviewed by UNICEF as a best practice model in South Africa.

Lesedi’s Playgroup Co-ordinator, Anastasia Sejane, continues with her regular national radio “slots” each Tuesday evening at 22H10 on SABC’s Lesedi FM